
Dragonspyre is an ancient, haunted world in which renegade professor Malistaire has recently been spotted!

Once an advanced militant society, Dragonspyre had an esteemed Academy rivaling that of the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts in Wizard City. The inhabitants once held a special interest in Fire Magic.

Legend has it that in the summoning of a great Dragon Titan, the world was destroyed and changed forever. Its great buildings and stone columns crumbled before the coming of the Dragon Titan.

Now, it has become a land of fire, lava, and ghosts.

Moo Shoo

Moo Shu is a beautiful land with a rich, deep history.

Full cherry trees, carefully maintained gardens, and tall mountains can be found everywhere. Although this is a place of knowledge and tradition, there is a great mystery here.

It is home to both the honorable samoorai as well as the sneaky ninja pigs. For some time, there has been peace. Recently though, the Emperor has taken ill and the ninja pig clans have risen again to stir up trouble in Moo Shu.


Marleybone is the home of dogs, cats, and proper manners.

The city has all the trappings of a modern society built upon scientific foundations. Big Ben, Scotland Yard, and the Royal Museum are some of the most famous sights in Marleybone.

Beware in Marleybone at night where the name "Meowiarty" is whispered in hushed tones. It is also rumored that roving cat gangs litter the rooftops and steal many of the city's precious valuables.