Saturday, May 8, 2010


Hosting houses

If you want to host a party or meeting at your home you are more than welcome to tell Talon Deathrider but first make sure your house and other things are good enough. Here are some things that Talon likes a host to have. 

                     Host test

  1. Barbaric Throne: 20 points

  2. At least a hundred objects inside or outside: 30 points

  3. Rug or Bug art: 20 points

  4. Dark sun tablet or shield: 20 points

  5. House is not cottage or royal playhouse: 10 points

  6. House is not Fire, Water, Storm, Balance, Life or Myth: 20 points

  7. House is death: 30 points

  8. Host  has 10 people coming to the party: 20 points

  9. Host has 5 friends coming to the party: 10 points

  10. Host has statues in their house: 10 points
50 points required to host party

50 points: Good house
100 points: Great house
150 points: Amazing house

Comment under this post if you would like to host a party and also include test results.

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